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Bellwork Tuesday 1/10/17 On a clean sheet of paper, brainstorm and write down 2-3 themes from "The Transformation of Arachne into a Spider." Remember.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellwork Tuesday 1/10/17 On a clean sheet of paper, brainstorm and write down 2-3 themes from "The Transformation of Arachne into a Spider." Remember."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellwork Tuesday 1/10/17 On a clean sheet of paper, brainstorm and write down 2-3 themes from "The Transformation of Arachne into a Spider." Remember that a theme is a statement that makes an observation about life or teaches a lesson conveyed by a work of literature. Remember that the objective is not to come up with a catchy or well-known saying. The objective is to come up with the statement that best fits the story. Avoid using 1st or 2nd person (any variation of the words I or you) in your theme statements. Themes are often stated as cause/effect statements. Ex. - _________ leads to _________. After brainstorming, put an asterisk (*) beside the theme that you think best fits the story.

2 Essay Prompt Identify a theme in the passage and explain how the characters help to develop the theme.

3 Read the entire prompt and passage, including the extra information given before or after the excerpt. 2. Write an introductory paragraph that includes the following: 2-3 sentences that identify the passage and briefly summarize the passage, focusing only on the aspect of it that relates to the prompt. Ex. - In the (genre) (title) by (author), (summarize main point of passage). b. A thesis statement that is a one-sentence direct response to the prompt. If you are having trouble composing a response on your own, look back to the prompt for phrases or a sentence you can reword into a statement.

4 (Example from “Daedalus and Icarus”)
Brainstorming a Theme (Example from “Daedalus and Icarus”) Good: Listen to your parents. Does it fit the story? (Yes) Does it apply to most people? (Kinda…) Better: Listen to those who are wiser than you and care about you. Does it apply to most people? (Yes)

5 Example Introductory Paragraph
In the myth “Daedalus and Icarus,” excerpted from Metamorphoses by Ovid, a boy dies because he didn’t listen to his parents’ advice. This story teaches readers to listen to those who are wiser and care about you.

6 Homework Look back over your bellwork. Choose the best theme for an essay from “The Transformation of Arachne into a Spider.” Make sure that it can apply to a lot of people. it fits the story.

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