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Unit 5 Review Cells In Action! Chapter 4 of Science Textbook.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 5 Review Cells In Action! Chapter 4 of Science Textbook."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 5 Review Cells In Action! Chapter 4 of Science Textbook

2 Cell Exchange Cell Energy Cell Cycle Vocabulary Grab Bag 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5

3 Question: Check Your Answer
Cell Exchange for 1 Question: What is diffusion? Check Your Answer

4 Answer: Back to the Game Board
Cell Exchange for 1 Answer: Diffusion is when particles move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration Back to the Game Board

5 Question: Check Your Answer
Cell Exchange for 2 Question: What is endocytosis? Check Your Answer

6 Endocytosis is the process of moving large particles into a cell
Cell Exchange for 2 Answer: Endocytosis is the process of moving large particles into a cell Back to the Game Board

7 Question: Check Your Answer
Cell Exchange for 3 Question: What is the diffusion of water through a semi-permeable membrane called? Check Your Answer

8 Answer: Back to the Game Board
Cell Exchange for 3 Answer: The movement of water through a semi-permeable membrane is called OSMOSIS. Back to the Game Board

9 Question: Check Your Answer
Cell Exchange for 4 Question: When a cell encloses particles into a vesicle, carries them to the edge of the cell and releases them, what process is being used? Check Your Answer

10 Answer: Back to the Game Board Cell Exchange for 4
When a cell encloses particles into a vesicle, carries them to the edge of the cell and releases them, the process of EXOCYTOSIS is being used. Back to the Game Board

11 What is the difference between passive and active transport?
Cell Exchange for 5 Question: What is the difference between passive and active transport? Check Your Answer

12 Answer: Back to the Game Board
Cell Exchange for 5 Answer: Active Transport: Less Crowded Crowded Uses ATP (cellular energy) Passive Transport: Crowded Less Crowded No use of cellular energy Back to the Game Board

13 What is photosynthesis?
Cell Energy for 1 Question: What is photosynthesis? Check Your Answer

14 Answer: Back to the Game Board
Cell Energy for 1 Answer: Photosynthesis is the process of capturing energy from the sun to make food (glucose) Back to the Game Board

15 Question: Check Your Answer
Cell Energy for 2 Question: What three things are created during the process of Cellular Respiration? Check Your Answer

16 Answer: Back to the Game Board
Cell Energy for 2 Answer: Energy (ATP), Carbon Dioxide, and Water Back to the Game Board

17 What is the process called that uses oxygen to break down food?
Cell Energy for 3 Question: What is the process called that uses oxygen to break down food? Check Your Answer

18 Answer: Back to the Game Board
Cell Energy for 3 Answer: The process that uses oxygen to break down food is called Cellular Respiration. Back to the Game Board

19 In what part of the cell does photosynthesis take place?
Cell Energy for 4 Question: In what part of the cell does photosynthesis take place? Check Your Answer

20 Photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplast of cells
Cell Energy for 4 Answer: Photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplast of cells Back to the Game Board

21 Question: Check Your Answer
Cell Energy for 5 Question: What is the process called that breaks down food but does not use oxygen? Check Your Answer

22 Answer: Back to the Game Board
Cell Energy for 5 Answer: The process that breaks down food without using oxygen is called Fermentation. Back to the Game Board

23 How many stages are in the cell cycle?
Cell Cycle for 1 Question: How many stages are in the cell cycle? Check Your Answer

24 There are 3 stages in the cell cycle
Cell Cycle for 1 Answer: There are 3 stages in the cell cycle Back to the Game Board

25 How many phases are there in Mitosis?
Cell Cycle for 2 Question: How many phases are there in Mitosis? Check Your Answer

26 There are 4 phases in mitosis
Cell Cycle for 2 Answer: There are 4 phases in mitosis Back to the Game Board

27 Cell Cycle for 3 Question:
Why can’t plant cells use cytokinesis during stage 3 of the cell cycle? Check Your Answer

28 Cell Cycle for 3 Answer: Back to the Game Board
Plants cannot use cytokinesis because their cell wall is rigid and not flexible enough. Back to the Game Board

29 What are the 4 phases of mitosis?
Cell Cycle for 4 Question: What are the 4 phases of mitosis? Check Your Answer

30 Cell Cycle for 4 Answer: Back to the Game Board Prophase Metaphase
Anaphase Telophase Back to the Game Board

31 What is the cell cycle, when does it begin, and when does it end?
Cell Cycle for 5 Question: What is the cell cycle, when does it begin, and when does it end? Check Your Answer

32 Cell Cycle for 5 Answer: Back to the Game Board
The cell cycle is the life cycle of a cell. It begins when the cell is first formed, and it ends when that cell divides to form two new cells. Back to the Game Board

33 Cell division on a prokaryotic cell is called _______________.
Vocab for 1 Question: Cell division on a prokaryotic cell is called _______________. Check Your Answer

34 Cell division in a prokaryotic cell is called Binary Fission.
Vocab for 1 Answer: Cell division in a prokaryotic cell is called Binary Fission. Back to the Game Board

35 Vocab for 2 Question: Check Your Answer
The DNA in a eukaryotic cell is organized into structures called ___________________. Check Your Answer

36 Vocab for 2 Answer: Back to the Game Board
The DNA is a Eukaryotic cell is organized into structures called chromosomes. Back to the Game Board

37 Vocab for 3 Question: What is a Centromere? Check Your Answer

38 Vocab for 3 Answer: Back to the Game Board
A centromere holds chromatids together during the first few stages of mitosis. Back to the Game Board

39 Vocab for 4 Question: What is Mitosis? Check Your Answer

40 Vocab for 4 Answer: Back to the Game Board
Mitosis is stage 2 of the cell cycle and this is the part of the cell cycle in which chromatids separate. Back to the Game Board

41 How are homologous chromosomes and chromatids different?
Vocab for 5 Question: How are homologous chromosomes and chromatids different? Check Your Answer

42 Vocab for 5 Answer: Back to the Game Board
Homologous chromosomes are pairs of chromosomes, one from each parent. Chromatids are identical copies of chromosomes and are made so that they cell can split into two identical cells. Back to the Game Board

43 What is cell plate formation?
Grab Bag for 1 Question: What is cell plate formation? Check Your Answer

44 Grab Bag for 1 Answer: Back to the Game Board
Cell plate formation is the process plant cells use to separate during the last stage of the cell cycle. Back to the Game Board

45 What phase of mitosis is this cell in?
Grab Bag for 2 Question: What phase of mitosis is this cell in? Check Your Answer

46 This cell is in metaphase
Grab Bag for 2 Answer: This cell is in metaphase Back to the Game Board

47 Grab Bag for 3 Question: How are cellular respiration and fermentation the same and how are they different? Check Your Answer

48 Grab Bag for 3 Answer: Back to the Game Board
Both cellular respiration and fermentation are processes that cells use to get energy from food. Cellular respiration uses oxygen and fermentation does not use oxygen Back to the Game Board

49 In what part of the cell does cellular respiration take place?
Grab Bag for 4 Question: In what part of the cell does cellular respiration take place? Check Your Answer

50 Cellular Respiration takes place in the mitochondria of cells.
Grab Bag for 4 Answer: Cellular Respiration takes place in the mitochondria of cells. Back to the Game Board

51 Grab Bag for 5 Question: Check Your Answer
What is the last phase of mitosis called and what happens during that phase? Check Your Answer

52 Grab Bag for 5 Answer: Back to the Game Board
The last phase of mitosis is called telophase and that is when the cell stretches, chromosomes unwind and new nuclear membranes form around each new set of chromosomes. Back to the Game Board

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