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LWW Study Guide Notes Why were the children sent away from London to stay with the Professor? a. The children were sent away because of the air raids.

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Presentation on theme: "LWW Study Guide Notes Why were the children sent away from London to stay with the Professor? a. The children were sent away because of the air raids."— Presentation transcript:

1 LWW Study Guide Notes Why were the children sent away from London to stay with the Professor? a. The children were sent away because of the air raids – the Germans were bombing London

2 2. Where did the children find the wardrobe?
LWW Study Guide Notes 2. Where did the children find the wardrobe? They found it in a random room in the Professor’s house.

3 LWW Study Guide Notes 3. The children had to go through several rows of what to get to Narnia? The coats

4 4. Who was the first creature Lucy met?
LWW Study Guide Notes 4. Who was the first creature Lucy met? Mr. Tumnus – the faun (half man, half goat)

5 5.What were the children called in Narnia?
LWW Study Guide Notes 5.What were the children called in Narnia? a) Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve

6 6.How did the children know how to get back home from Narnia?
LWW Study Guide Notes 6.How did the children know how to get back home from Narnia? a) The lamp post

7 7.What was Mr. Tumnus not able to make himself do?
LWW Study Guide Notes 7.What was Mr. Tumnus not able to make himself do? a) He couldn’t bring himself to kidnap Lucy and turn her in to the White Witch.

8 LWW Study Guide Notes 8.In Narnia, because of the White Witch’s power, it was always winter but never….? a) Christmas

9 a) They think she made it up and is possibly crazy
LWW Study Guide Notes 9. After Lucy came back from her first trip through the wardrobe, how did her brothers and sister react? a) They think she made it up and is possibly crazy

10 10.Why did Edmund follow Lucy into the wardrobe?
LWW Study Guide Notes 10.Why did Edmund follow Lucy into the wardrobe? a) because he wanted to tease Lucy

11 11.The first creature Edmund met in Narnia was? a) The White Witch
LWW Study Guide Notes 11.The first creature Edmund met in Narnia was? a) The White Witch

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