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Statements that can be tested

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1 Statements that can be tested
Hypotheses Statements that can be tested

2 Hypotheses Before doing research we make predictions about what is going to happen This is called our hypothesis “ I reckon facebook friends are a real measure of popularity” “I reckon people with good grades read more often” “detention probably does improve behaviour” “doing homework probably does improve your eventual grade”

3 2 types Alternate hypothesis H1 Predicts a change or relationship
Most of our natural predictions are alternate hypotheses as the predict a change That one variable will change the other Null hypothesis H0 Predicts no change at all We do sometimes make null hypotheses when we say things like “it doesn’t matter how much you revise it won’t help you in the exam” “it doesn’t matter when I apply, I’ll still going to get in to college” Predicts that the two variables are unrelated

4 2 types examples Alternate hypothesis
H1 Predicts a change or relationship There is a difference in the way Japanese an American people interpret emotions in faces Yuki et al 2007 Null hypothesis H0 Predicts no change at all There will be no difference in the way Japanese and American people interpret emotions in faces

5 2 types examples Alternate hypothesis
H1 Predicts a change or relationship There will be a correlation between the number of crimes a parent commits and the number of crimes their sons commit Mednick et al 1984 Null hypothesis H0 Predicts no change at all There will be no difference in the number of crimes a parent commits and the number of crimes their sons commit

6 2 types examples Alternate hypothesis
H1 Predicts a change or relationship More people will obey orders from someone dressed in a uniform than someone dressed in civilian clothes Bickman 1974 Null hypothesis H0 Predicts no change at all There will be no difference in whether people obey orders from someone in a uniform and someone dressed in civilian clothes

7 Either the alternate hypothesis is correct or the null hypothesis is correct
Alternate hypothesis H1 Predicts a change or relationship Null hypothesis H0 Predicts no change at all This means that one must be true. Now we can design research to find data to support either hypothesis. This means that if you can hypothesise something then you might be able to prove it true with research!


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