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Composing and Listening.

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Presentation on theme: "Composing and Listening."— Presentation transcript:

1 Composing and Listening.
Song Writing Project   Composing and Listening.

2 Listening Why was this song popular? What makes it work?
What could you take from this song to use in your own?

3 Song Writing Project In groups, you will be composing your own song entirely from scratch, including, for example, melody, backing and LYRICS. It is almost always best to start with the lyrics. Brainstorm HINT: Think about the subject of your song, you will need lots of words about the subject.

4 Evaluation Questions Was the piece of music successful?
What were its strong points? What were its weaker points, and how could it have been improved? Did the piece fulfil the task requirements? Specify? Answer these questions about your group and yourself.  Did your group have a leader, or was it run democratically? Did you feel that your were playing a part in your group that matched your ability as a musician? Explain.

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