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By: Sevyn Rosa, Alicia Beauford, Natalie Secaida

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1 By: Sevyn Rosa, Alicia Beauford, Natalie Secaida
European culture By: Sevyn Rosa, Alicia Beauford, Natalie Secaida

2 European Countries of Origin
Austria  Czech Republic  Denmark  England France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Netherlands  Norway Poland Portugal Russia Scotland Sweden Switzerland 

3 Health Concepts Health can be maintained by diet, rest, and exercise
Immunizations and preventive practices help maintain health Good health is a personal responsibility 

4 Cause of illness Outside sources such as germs, pollutants, or contaminants Punishment for sins Lack of cleanliness  Self-abuse (drugs, alcoho, tobacco)

5 Traditional healers/ Methods of treatment
Physician Nurse Medications and surgery Diet and exercise  Home remedies and self-care for minor illnesses  Prayer and religious rituals 

6 Response to pain Some express pain loudly and emotionally
Others value self-control in response to pain  Pain can be helped by medication 

7 Healthcare interesting facts
In the European region 49 people are diagnosed with and 7 people die of tuberculosis.  In Easter Europe only 23% of people with HIV have access to antiretroviral treatment, this rate is the lowest in the world. Non communicable  diseases account for about 85% of deaths in the region.

8 Citation, World Heath organization, regional office for Europe 

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