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Aims of the DCA Review Make things better for the people who use our services and enable them to have more choice of and control over the support they.

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Presentation on theme: "Aims of the DCA Review Make things better for the people who use our services and enable them to have more choice of and control over the support they."— Presentation transcript:

1 Disabled Children and Adults Pathfinder Every Deaf Child Matters Conference 26th June 2012

2 Aims of the DCA Review Make things better for the people who use our services and enable them to have more choice of and control over the support they want. Enabling people to live the life they choose, and building resilient and supportive communities Ensure that the Council works efficiently by focussing on better outcomes, prevents the escalation of need, reduces duplication and improves its decision making.

3 Initial Work Focus on understanding what our current services look like and what customers experience and what they want from us in the future. Engaged with 150 staff across Children’s, Adults and Health services Met with many parent carers and children and young people to understand their views Collected over 1800 needs statements from which we developed 8 key things that customers want from the new service design – design principles

4 Support and Aspiration: A new approach to SEN and Disability (The Green Paper)
Summary vision - to put in place a radically different system to better support life outcomes give parents confidence by giving them more control, and transfer power to professionals on the front line and to local communities.

5 Merging the DCA with the Pathfinder
8 Design Principles which emerged from DCA review Avoiding the issues identified during the early stage of the DCA review silo working, delays in approval, inflexible budgets, etc Green Paper direction of travel Personal budgets, partnerships, early intervention, single assessment process and plan etc Delivery vehicle An integrated service that brings together elements of children and adult social care, education and some targeted services to support children and young people with disabilities and special educational needs aged 0 to 25 years

6 Where are we now? Levels of engagement
48 designers involved across Local Authority, Health, Voluntary and Community Service and Parent Carers Information from workshops is shared on our e-forum. The designers have produced an agreed ‘service’ purpose, key operating principles, high level customer pathway and a conceptual model. Service Purpose The 0 – 25 ‘Service’ is for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities, and their families, who require support, to be included in their community.

7 Key operating principles
Enabling and inclusive : wherever and whenever possible services should be provided at mainstream universal level. Person centred : Child and young person must always be at the centre of what we do Single assessment process and plan : better co-ordination Outcome focussed Clear and transparent Timely services : what is needed, when its needed, especially during transitions Safeguarding : protecting the rights of child and young person to be kept safe and secure Excellent communication and information: good quality, timely, clear, easy to read.

8 What makes the new service different?
Integration – addresses silo working Single assessment process and plan – will improve the customer experience Person centred planning and approach – consistent approach for the customer Outcome focussed work – look at what people want to do to improve the quality of their life Holistic planning – eligible children and young people have holistic life plans that are reviewed and amended Personalisation- offer of personal budgets, personalisation agenda. New framework for model of support- prevention and “upstreaming” Flexible budgets-opportunity to pool/align budgets Local offer- support in Wiltshire and from whom.

9 Workstreams include: Developing the new 0-25 “service”
Personal Budget pilot Single assessment process and single plan pilot Local Offer

10 Keep up to date with our progress
E-forum Wiltshire Council website

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