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I. Major early Political events

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1 I. Major early Political events
Objective 1.01: Identify the major domestic issues and conflicts experienced by the nation during the Federalist Period.

2 A. Bill of Rights One of the first acts of Congress
First 10 amendments to the Constitution. Wanted by the Democratic- Republicans in order for them to ratify the Constitution. Why? They wanted a direct statement of their rights so the federal government wouldn’t abuse its power.

3 B. Economic Plan Created by Alexander Hamilton. Three parts:
1) Paid back war bonds from the American Revolution. Why should the U.S. do this? To get good credit – this way people will loan the U.S. money in the future. Unpopular with Democratic-Republicans: Why? The people who bought the war bonds originally (farmers, everyday people) had sold to wealthy people for a small percentage (like selling a $100 bond for $10) because they thought they would never be paid back. The wealthy people were the only ones getting paid if the U.S. paid back the war bonds.

4 C. National Bank Part of Hamilton’s Economic Plan. Arguments:
Hamilton: needed to organize all of the federal government’s money. Democratic-Republicans: Jefferson thought it was an abuse of government power. Congress sided with Hamilton and created it.

5 D. Whiskey Rebellion New tax on the production of whiskey
Created by Hamilton for Economic Plan. Farmers who produced whiskey rebelled because of the tax. Rebellion was squashed by troops sent by George Washington. Impact: first test of the power of the federal government, showed it would be strong.

6 E. Alien and Sedition Acts
Four laws total: 1st: Changed the immigrant wait time for voting from 5 years to 14 years 2nd and 3rd: President can deport any alien considered dangerous to national security 4th: Illegal to say anything false or malicious about the federal government in a newspaper Meant you couldn’t criticize public officials

7 E. Alien and sedition acts
The Alien and Sedition Acts targeted immigrants and newspaper publishers. Democratic-Republican argument: it targeted the groups of people that supported us, just the Federalists abusing their power so they can stay in power. Federalists argument: The U.S. needed these laws to protect itself from dangerous people trying to start rebellions or other conflicts.

8 F. Virginia and Kentucky resolutions
Written by Democratic-Republicans in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts. Introduced idea of “nullification” – a state has the right to declare a law invalid/it doesn’t apply to them. Gives the state governments more power over the federal government. Impact: Nullification is a major conflict between the North and the South leading up to the Civil War.

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