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FRAN TARPEY How to manage Penalties

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1 FRAN TARPEY How to manage Penalties
EMLOA 3/2/2019 FRAN TARPEY How to manage Penalties Write notes in here

2 When is it more than a minute?
Three things to think about : *Balance *Common sense *Judgement

3 BALANCE You have to Balance coach's, players and perspective of the play

4 COMMON SENCE How is your call going to impact the game?
Is the game getting out of control! What is the final out come!

5 JUDGEMENT NEED TO use your best Judgement good or bad!(see photo)
MANY calls are subjective in this area! SLIGHT CONTACT! How many different was to take that!



8 Stacking the BOX

9 When you have to Stack the boxes generally not a good sign for the game you are doing!!
*Always have to have 6 players plus a goalie on the field! *A Maximum of 3 players from each team can be in the box! *Additional players must wait team area

10 Simultaneous Fouls

11 Simultaneous fouls are fouls called on players of opposing teams during a live ball OR a dead ball when Sequence cannot be determined.

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