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The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet Vocabulary

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Presentation on theme: "The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet Vocabulary"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet Vocabulary

2 Directions and Format Step 1: Identify part of speech.
Step 2: Define each vocabulary word. Step 3: Identify the line number in which the vocabulary word is found within the text. Format: Vocabulary Word Part of Speech (POS): Definition: Line Number:

3 Act I Act II Act III Acts IV & V
Alderman Augmenting Benefice Boisterous Esteem Heretics Languish Loathed Obscured Pernicious Portentous Posterity Profaners Purged Transgression Chide Discourse Drudge Enmity Envious Impute Invocation Lamentable Predominant Poultice Abhors Appertaining Beguiled Beseech Consort Mantle Tedious Validity Arbitrating Culled Dirges Impeach Inundation Orisons Penury Presage Prorogue Solace

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