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What are the 2 most important aspects of a great relationship?

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Presentation on theme: "What are the 2 most important aspects of a great relationship?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are the 2 most important aspects of a great relationship?
Communication & Trust

2 What are some of the aspects of communication that will enhance a relationship?

3 Elements of Effective Communication
Listening, TWO-WAY communication Congruent body language ASSERTIVENESS: saying what you think and feel in a POLITE, constructive way. Using effective communication to get what you want Use “I” statements, “When you ________, I feel__________.” Then assertively ask for what you want Appropriate SELF-DISCLOSURE – share personal thoughts and feelings

4 The 2 most essential elements of any good relationship:
Communication Trust

5 What is unsuccessful communication?
What are some barriers that might contribute to unsuccessful communication? Why is body language important in communication? When body language does not match the words, do you believe the words or the body language? Body language, or non-verbal communication makes up 80% of the senders message. What are some examples of ineffective body language?

6 Barriers to Communication
Communication Process Barriers to Communication Receiver Sender Sender Receiver

7 SOFTEN Method S mile O pen posture F orward lean T ouch E ye contact N od

8 What is the best way to communicate when you feel angry with someone?
Write down a completion to this statement: “The next time I am angry with someone close to me I will...”

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