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Logical Fallacies (OMG! Amazing!). Logical Fallacies (OMG! Amazing!)

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Presentation on theme: "Logical Fallacies (OMG! Amazing!). Logical Fallacies (OMG! Amazing!)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Logical Fallacies (OMG! Amazing!)

3 I don’t know, therefore I do know.

4 I’m reading a book, I don’t like it.
I’ve read 350 pages, there are just 50 left. Should I finish?

5 I’m reading a book, I don’t like it.
I’ve wasted my time by reading 350 pages, there are 50 left. Should I waste more time and finish?

6 When we think critically about something, we can see if it is actually a crazy reason.
Think carefully and completely about the logical consequences of an idea, trying to avoid our biases.

7 Science has never been able to create life from nothing, so god did it.
If I was adopted, I would know it by now. Since I don’t, I know I’m not.

8 Shifting the burden of proof
Science doesn’t know everything. No one can prove god doesn’t exist, so he does. “Until #Pizzagate [is] proven to be false, it'll remain a story...” -Flynn

9 I don’t know, therefore I do know. =
Science has never been able to create life from nothing, so god did it. If I was adopted, I would know it by now. Since I don’t, I know I’m not. Science doesn’t know everything. No one can prove god doesn’t exist, so he does. “Until #Pizzagate [is] proven to be false, it'll remain a story...” -Flynn

10 Everyone thinks like this all the time
Everyone thinks like this all the time. But, we can notice it and not be fooled by bad reasoning! ^^

11 Logical Fallacies (OMG! Amazing!)

12 Now, Vocabulary! (OMG! Amazing!)

13 Check Answers

14 Part 2

15 Correlation & Causation
(Related vs Caused)

16 Healthy Sick (less) Vitamin C (more)

17 Healthy Sick (less) Vitamin C (more)

18 Healthy Sick (less) Vitamin C (more)

19 4. Health and vitamin C are not truly related. It’s just coincidence.
3. Caring about your health causes you to be healthy & take vitamin C. 2. Taking more vitamin C causes you to be healthy. 1. Being healthy causes you to take more vitamin C. A causes B. B causes A. C causes A & B. It is an illusory correlation.


21 Something that is 1/1,000,000 happens 7,500 times every day
1/1,000,000 chance 7,500,000,000 people Something that is 1/1,000,000 happens 7,500 times every day Coincidences.

22 Crazy, “impossible” coincidences
(1/1,000,000,000,000 events) happen all the time because there are so many events that just exist.

23 “Wow! What are the chances of that?” (Actually, very high chances.)

24 What is the chance that you will win the lottery? (just guess)

25 What is the chance that someone will win the lottery?

26 I can’t believe it was me! I can’t believe it was me!

27 (Part 2) A causes B. B causes A. C causes A & B.
It is an illusory correlation (coincidence). (Part 2)

28 Part 3

29 Placebo Effect

30 Part 4

31 Maybe, your risk of a specific cancer is 0. 0028%
Maybe, your risk of a specific cancer is %. If it goes down by 80%, that means your risk is % lower than before. -80%!

32 1/100,000 times 3 is 3/100,000. 3x stronger could be 2/100,000 stronger. x3!

33 The average unemployment in Europe is 10. 1%
The average unemployment in Europe is 10.1%. If Finland is 9%, they are lower than average. high!

34 Almost always, articles don’t tell us enough statistics to actually understand something.
9%! -80%! x3!


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