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No journal today. Instead, please collect your folder from the box at the front of the room. Find the packet from last class. Copy the information.

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Presentation on theme: "No journal today. Instead, please collect your folder from the box at the front of the room. Find the packet from last class. Copy the information."— Presentation transcript:

1 No journal today. Instead, please collect your folder from the box at the front of the room. Find the packet from last class. Copy the information from the following slide into the correct places on the back of the yellow sheet.

2 Counter Claim/Claim: Odysseus does not always act like a hero, but he does save his own men. Data: Odyssseus acts like a pirate when he, “stormed that place (Cicones) and killed the men who fought. Plunder we took and we enslaved the women” (ln ). Warrant: These actions are not acceptable for a noble, heroic person. Odysseus is still in the war mode from his fighting in Troy and he has not adjusted to appropriate rules of civilization. Odysseus does look out for his men throughout his journey and especially in the Land of the Lotus Eaters where he chased down his men and “tied them down under the rowing benches” in order to save them from the dangers of the lotus plant (ln 212). Odysseus did not have to seek out the three men he lost to the Lotus Eaters, he could have just left and avoided the danger. His attitude toward his men and protecting each one of them shows his noble, heroic nature.

3 Claim: Your statement that you will prove to be true in the paragraph…
Claim: Your statement that you will prove to be true in the paragraph….it can never be a question Counter claim: What would be the argument against your claim? Data: Examples, quotes, or statistics from documented sources *Always use signal phrases or introductory phrases for quoted material *Don’t just drop a quote in without explaining it first Warrant: An explanation Warrant 1 Offer comments on your data Warrant 2 So what? Explain why your data proves your claim.

4 Read: The Cyclops. Pgs As we read, look for evidence of Odysseus heroic qualities AND anything he does that is not heroic. We will be charting this on the green paper, after we read. If we have time, we will watch The Cyclops, at the end of class.

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