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Natural Systems An overview.

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Presentation on theme: "Natural Systems An overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 Natural Systems An overview

2 Characteristics of Natural Environment
Climate Soil Vegetation Topography Bodies of Water

3 The Natural System - Earth’s Four Spheres

4 The Natural Systems - Inputs and Outputs
Materials or forces which enter a natural system from the outside. Eg sun, rain, wind, sediment COMPONENTS Materials which are always part of natural system. Eg. Trees, rock, undergrowth, air PROCESSES Change within a system caused by the inputs on the components. Eg. Weathering, erosion, photosynthesis OUTPUTS Materials or forces leaving a natural system. Eg. Sediment, water Let’s Talk Inputs and Outputs

5 Prep Task For the following image and one of your own choice, identify ALL the various inputs, components, processes and outputs and connect them to the four spheres. Please have an image of the second place you choose. Choose something that you are interested in or feel a connection to.

6 The Australian Outback

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