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What do you know about it? Make a list of what you know about IQ.

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Presentation on theme: "What do you know about it? Make a list of what you know about IQ."— Presentation transcript:

1 What do you know about it? Make a list of what you know about IQ.

2 Click HERE if video doesn’t work.
What do you think? Click HERE if video doesn’t work.

3 What is the purpose of reading this chapter?
Let’s consider this: Is success dependent on intelligence?

4 Who is the intended audience of Chapter 3?
People of all IQs and backgrounds

5 How does the author persuade us?
Ethos Pathos Logos Pg. Number: What does the text say? Pg. Number How does the author persuade us?

6 Things to Consider: Is it IQ that leads to success? Or is it opportunity? To what degree does IQ have an impact on success? How many intelligent students are not reached because of background and wealth? If a high IQ does not guarantee success, then why is it something that many people want to have? Do you agree with Terman’s ideas or Gladwell’s? Why? Based on personal experience, do you think someone who has an exceptional IQ will be more successful than others? What other factors contribute to success?

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