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Growth of a Nation Unit 4A Mrs. Trapp.

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1 Growth of a Nation Unit 4A Mrs. Trapp

2 Northwest Ordinance The Northwest Ordinance created the Northwest Territory, the first U.S. territory outside of the original states. Included present day Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Illinois, Ohio, and Indiana Showed Americans that the government intended to promote westward expansion and migration. Banned slavery in NW Territory Made the Ohio River the boundary between slave and free states Mandated establishment of public schools

3 Northwest Territory Note the Ohio River which shows the boundary between slave states and free states.

4 NW Ordinance Stages to becoming a state:
Congress will appoint a territorial governor and judges. 5,000 voting residents --> settlers can write temporary constitution and elect government 60,000 voting residents --> settlers can write state constitution which would be approved by Congress before statehood is granted

5 Louisiana Purchase The French ruler Napoleon controlled New Orleans and much of the land west of the Mississippi River. Jefferson sent James Monroe to France to negotiate the sale of this land to the U.S. In 1803, Napoleon agreed to sell this land for $15 million. Nearly doubled the size of the U.S.

6 Louisiana Purchase Nearly doubled the size of the U.S.

7 Lewis and Clark Jefferson commissioned Lewis and Clark to explore the western lands to the Pacific Ocean. Started near St. Louis, MO and traveled up the Missouri River. Charted trails west, mapped rivers and mountain ranges, recorded facts about Native populations. Opened up the floodgates to western expansion.

8 Route taken by Lewis and Clark

9 The War of 1812 France and England were fighting over control of Atlantic trade. American merchant ships were caught up in the conflict and some were captured by both the French and the British


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