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Pricing Policies BMI3C.

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Presentation on theme: "Pricing Policies BMI3C."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pricing Policies BMI3C

2 Pricing Policies Ways of setting the price of products (or services) in order to maximize revenues Obviously you want to set a price that is high enough that you earn an acceptable profit, while also being low enough to appeal to customers However, these pricing policies are not quite as simple as finding the “middle ground”

3 Pricing Policies With a partner you will research the type of pricing you have been given Create 2 – 3 slides on PowerPoint Point form What is it? Why is it used? Examples Explain to the class (presentation – quick)

4 Choices Psychological Pricing Loss Leader Pricing Price Lining
Combo Pricing Everyday Low Prices Interest-free pricing Super Sizing Negotiated Pricing Volume Discount Pricing Price Fixing

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