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Classical Conditioning

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1 Classical Conditioning
Learning Classical Conditioning

2 Classical Conditioning
How do you know when you are hungry? How do you feel when you smell a rose? Classical conditioning is when you shape a behavior gradually over time, controlling an old response to new stimuli

3 Neutral Stimulus An object/stimulus that has no association to the desired response

4 Unconditioned Stimulus
UCS: an event that leads to a certain predictable response without previous training

5 Unconditioned Response
UCR: a response that occurs naturally and automatically when the UCS is presented

6 Conditioned Stimulus/ Conditioned Response
CS: An ordinarily neutral event that leads to a desired response after training CR: a learned response to a stimuli

7 Generalization Response to a similar stimuli, but not the CS, without prior training

8 Discrimination Learning to respond differently to different stimuli

9 Extinction When the conditioned response, CR, no longer occurs when the neutral stimuli is presented

10 Pavlov Russian Scientist studying digestion
Discovered Classical Conditioning Experimented using dogs

11 A Different Approach

12 Watson and Albert Psychologist Watson used classical conditioning on an infant who was orphaned Baby albert was conditioned to be frightened of rats Albert generalized that fear to all white fuzzy things Albert was never conditioned to discriminate, nor did Watson try to extinguish the behavior before Albert left the study.

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