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. Massachusetts Then and Now

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1 . Massachusetts Then and Now
. By . Andrew M. . April 6, 2017 1

2 Finding Massachusetts
Massachusetts is in the northeastern of the United States of America. 2

3 Locating Adams Adams is located in the northern part of Massachusetts.

4 Natural Bridge The water formed 3,000 years ago.
It is the only naturally formed white marble arch in North America 4

5 Mt. Greylock State Reservation
It is located in North Adams, Lanesborough, Cheshire, Williamstown and New Ashford. 5

6 Pilgrims They are English people and passengers
from the Mayflower and they wanted to be free so they came to Massachusetts. 6

7 Problems the Pilgrims Faced
No car, sickness, no seeing were going, storms and winter. 7

8 Quabbin Reservoir Quabbin facts:
Quabbin means the meeting of many waters. They had to flood a valley to get fresh water for Boston. 8

9 Wampanoag Wampanoag wore; body paint, loincloth,
headdress, deer skin leggings and jewelry. 9

10 First Thanksgiving They feasted on mashed potatoes and turkey
Everybody played games and had fun. 10

11 Web Sites Used
mt-greylock-state-reservation-generic.html pilgrims 11

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