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10 x 2 Look at the image quietly for at least 30 seconds. Let your eyes wander. List 10 words or phrases about any aspect of the picture. Look for another.

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Presentation on theme: "10 x 2 Look at the image quietly for at least 30 seconds. Let your eyes wander. List 10 words or phrases about any aspect of the picture. Look for another."— Presentation transcript:

1 10 x 2 Look at the image quietly for at least 30 seconds. Let your eyes wander. List 10 words or phrases about any aspect of the picture. Look for another 30 seconds and list 10 more words or phrases.

2 Answer each question for both animals.
Perceive, Think, Know Answer each question for both animals. What can the animals perceive? What might the animals know about or believe? What might the animals care about?

3 Describe how this character was feeling five minutes before this scene.
Carefully describe how it feels to be the hunter and the hunted

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