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Reading Discussion Speed Dating Level Up Summer 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading Discussion Speed Dating Level Up Summer 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading Discussion Speed Dating Level Up Summer 2017

2 Discussion: Speed Dating!
Directions: Two rows of desks must turn and face each other. The right-hand side will have 60 seconds to answer the question displayed. The left-hand side will then have 60 seconds to respond with additional thoughts. At the end of two minutes, the left-hand side will rotate one seat down the aisle. Introduce yourselves to each new partner. The instructor will keep time and change the questions on the screen.

3 Question #1 Before reading these essays by Clear and Lehrer, how many years would you say it would take someone to reach a mastery level in any field?

4 Question #2 How was the authors’ research supported by other studies? What does this say about your own research in college?

5 Question #3 What, if any, are the differences between working hard and deliberate practice?

6 Question #4 What is your own practice/process for success? What would you change about your habits after reading this essay?

7 Question #5 Think about the analogy presented in the Clear essay: there are two different basketball players who have different practices. What is the difference between the two, and which practice would lead to success?

8 Question #6 Were there any parts of Clear’s essay that you did not understand or that you disagreed with? Discuss.

9 Question #7 Before reading Jonah Lehrer’s essay, how would you define talent and success?

10 Question #8 What is grit? Do you have it?

11 Question #9 How does Lehrer’s work connect or relate to Duckworth’s research (and the TED Talk you watched)?

12 Question #10 What was the most important takeaway from Lehrer’s and Duckworth’s essay and talk?

13 Question #11 Were there any parts of Lehrer’s essay that you disagreed with? How about Duckworth—is grit enough to make you successful in school? Discuss.


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