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Evolution of Foreign Policy

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1 Evolution of Foreign Policy
Isolationism to World Leader

2 Isolationism Washington’s Farewell Address
- Limit to Two Terms - Warning about political parties - Stay out of European Affairs Will guide American Foreign Policy for over 100 years.

3 War of 1812 British impressment of US citizens. Unprepared for war.
Nation is split – Northeast considers secession. US victory establishes the nation’s strength.

4 Monroe Doctrine America will leave Europe alone.
Western Hemisphere off limits. European involvement = act of war Mixture of Isolationism and Interventionism

5 Spanish American War Birth of American imperialism! (1898)
Cuba and Yellow Journalism - Who blew up the Maine? Territories gained: - Puerto Rico - Guam - Philippines - Protectorate of Cuba start clip at 4:20

6 Roosevelt Corollary Big Stick Diplomacy (1901-1909)
- “speak softly carry a big stick” Europe should remain out of the West US Military will maintain stability in the region. - avoid potential for European aggression.

7 Dollar Diplomacy William Howard Taft (1909 – 1913)
American investment in Latin America “substituting dollars for bullets” Foundation of the use of foreign aid in today’s economic foreign policy.

8 Open Door Policy Secretary of State John Hay
Sought to gain American influence in China. Foreigners would respect Chinese law. China agrees to address peasant concerns.

9 World War I Woodrow Wilson campaigned against the war.
US had remained out of Europe. Woodrow Wilson campaigned against the war. German aggression draws the US in… - Lusitania - Zimmerman Telegram US enters as Russia withdraws Ends 4-year stalemate.

10 Return to Isolationism
Rejection of the League of Nations - Congress fears losing power Little assistance to Europe - conditions ripe for another war. US returns focus to economic growth. Crash of 1929 impacts the world.

11 World War II US resists involvement Lend Lease Act
- like lending a hose to a neighbor whose house is on fire. Japanese attack pulls US in. “Like waking a sleeping giant” -Admiral Yamamoto Emerge as a superpower opposed by the Soviet Union.

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