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America, I raised a boy for you.

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1 1915 1917 America, I raised a boy for you.
I didn’t raise my boy to be a soldier, I brought him up to be my pride and joy. Who dares…place a musket on his shoulder, To shoot some other mother’s darling boy? America, I raised a boy for you. America, You’ll find him staunch and true, Place a gun upon his shoulder, He is ready to die or do.

2 WWI Songs Explain the attitude of both songs. What do they mean? (1/4) page Explain why are they so different. (1/4) page What does the word “propaganda” mean? Give one example






8 Create your own piece of Propaganda
Create a piece of propaganda that could be used today It can be over a current person, a current event, a current law, current social issue, ect. Remember good propaganda stirs the viewers EMOTIONS and either supports a particular cause or hurts an opposing cause. You may use any of the following techniques to convince your viewers: Half-truths; stress some truths but ignoring others Name calling Symbols or words that show the opposition in the worst light Exaggeration of the truth



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