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First, the Lord made man in the Garden Of Eden.

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Presentation on theme: "First, the Lord made man in the Garden Of Eden."— Presentation transcript:

1 First, the Lord made man in the Garden Of Eden. Then he said to himself, “There’s something he’s needin’ ”

2 After casting about for a suitable pearl, kept messing around and created a girl.

3 God named this creation
‘woman’ and he gave her - -

4 Two beautiful legs, so long and so tender. A beautiful waist so slim and so slender.

5 Two lovely hips to increase his desire, rounded and firm to bring out the fire.

6 Two lovely breasts, so full and so proud. Commanding his eyes as she whips it around.

7 just waiting to bless you,
Two lovely arms just waiting to bless you, . with two loving hands to soothe and caress you

8 hung down over her shoulder,
Soft cascading hair hung down over her shoulder, with two dreamy eyes to make him grow bolder.

9 Two beautiful lips so warm and inviting
Two beautiful lips so warm and inviting. God knew that the man would find it exciting

10 She was made for a man to make his heart sing.

11 and ruined the whole fucking thing!!
Then he added a mouth and ruined the whole fucking thing!!


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