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A Close Look at the Thirteen Colonies

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1 A Close Look at the Thirteen Colonies


3 The New England Colonies
Massachusetts Connecticut Rhode Island New Hampshire

4 Massachusetts Plymouth Massachusetts Bay
Established in 1620 by the Pilgrims for religious freedom Wrote the Mayflower Compact upon their arrival Massachusetts Bay Established in 1630 by a group of Puritans seeking religious freedom The leader of this colony was John Winthrop This colony was successful because the Puritans brought lots of supplies with them to America and few died of disease

5 Connecticut Founded in 1636 by Thomas Hooker
Founded for Religious and Political Freedom Hooker, along with colonists in Connecticut, wrote the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut which made the colony’s government more democratic.

6 Rhode Island Founded by Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson in 1636
Williams and Hutchinson had been kicked out of Massachusetts for disagreeing with church leaders there Williams promoted religious tolerance and supported the fair treatment of American Indians

7 Pennsylvania New York New Jersey Delaware
The Middle Colonies Pennsylvania New York New Jersey Delaware

8 New York Originally named New Netherland, this colony was founded by the Dutch England took control of this colony in 1664 and renamed it New York Economy was based on fur trading and farming

9 New Jersey Founded by Sir John Carteret and Lord John Berkeley
This colony had a diverse population The economy was based on fur trading, overseas trading, and farming

10 Pennsylvania Founded by William Penn in 1681
Established so that the Quakers could practice their religion freely Penn created a representative government in the colony and promised religious freedom to all Christians In 1682, Penn bought the region to the south of Pennsylvania called Delaware.

11 Georgia North Carolina South Carolina Maryland Virginia
The Southern Colonies Georgia North Carolina South Carolina Maryland Virginia

12 Maryland Founded by Cecilius Calvert, also known as “Lord Baltimore”
Established so that Catholics would have a place to worship freely

13 North and South Carolina
In 1663 Carolina was founded as one colony. North and South Carolina became two separate colonies in 1712. The economies of these colonies depended on farming South Carolina became one of the first colonies to depend on slave labor

14 Georgia Founded by James Oglethorpe
This colony was founded so that poor English citizens and people in debt could start new lives there.

15 Directions for foldable on 3 Regions
Front Cover: New England Colonies Middle Colonies Southern Colonies And Draw a picture about each region’s economy Inside Top:Name each of the colonies in each region Inside Bottom: Name the colonies for each region and list one fact about each.

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