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Voice of Member Program

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Presentation on theme: "Voice of Member Program"— Presentation transcript:

1 Voice of Member Program
5/20/2019 Introducing (NAME) Credit Union Voice of Member Program

2 Our Mission Put your credit union’s service mission here or use “Our Mission is to Improve Our Members’ Financial Lives

3 How Online Surveys Work
Surveys are sent to a random sample of members who completed a transaction, closed a loan, (fill in here). Members only get a survey once every (Figure) months. We’ll send (Figure) survey invitations per teller per week.

4 “ ” What We’ll Ask Members Custom questions for each member experience
An extraordinary member experience is the combination of great people and flawless processes.

5 Member Effort Question
This key indicator will be on every survey. It is highly correlated with member loyalty. How Easy Did We Make it For You? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 EXTREMELY DIFFICULT EXTREMELY EASY

6 How Likely Are You to Recommend Us to a Friend or Co-worker?
MX Promoter Question This key indicator will be on every survey. It is also correlated with member loyalty. How Likely Are You to Recommend Us to a Friend or Co-worker? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 HIGHLY UNLIKELY HIGHLY LIKELY

7 Experience Name Here Question Question

8 Experience Name Here Question Question

9 Experience Name Here Question Question

10 Experience Name Here Question Question

11 Everyone Plays a Part in the
Member Experience 01 Members Give Feedback 02 Your Coach Shares Results UNPARALLELED MEMBER EXPERIENCE Extraordinary Performance Recognized 04 03 You Take Action Based on Member Feedback


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