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EQ 51 Compare and Contrast

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1 EQ 51 Compare and Contrast

2 Agenda N2K EQ 51 Henry’s Freedom Box Henry Box Brown Exit Ticket

3 Bellringer Composition Notebooks: N2K,

4 EQ 51 How do you compare and contrast two different accounts in different mediums? (What specific details does the author, speaker, presenter, etc. focus on?)

5 Standards RL & RI : Identify Media Diversity: What are the comparisons and differences between two artistic mediums? Compare and contrast the elements from the two versions Which details are emphasized more in one passage and the other? Evaluate how each medium impacts understanding and in what way RL & RI : Identify Elements in multiple sources How does the author portrayal of the character compare to historical accounts? Which quotes best represents the similarities/differences between the two passages? How does the author use or alter history?

6 Henry’s Freedom Box

7 Henry’s Freedom Box (view and take notes)

8 Henry “Box” Brown Take ___ minutes to read “The Aftermath of Henry “Box” Brown’s Courageous Journey to freedom”. Take notes as you read.

9 Draw this table on your paper.
Henry’s Freedom Box (differences) Similarities Henry “Box” Brown

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