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2-5 Solving Equations with the Variable on Each Side

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1 2-5 Solving Equations with the Variable on Each Side

2 4 Steps for Solving an Equation
1) Simplify each side of the equation. 2) Get the variables together first. 3) Get the lone numbers together. 4) Get the variable by itself.

3 Solve: 3x – 7 = 2x + 5 3x – 7 = 2x + 5 x – 7 = 5 Simplify
-2x -2x Subtract 2x from both sides to combine the x’s on one side. x – 7 = 5 Simplify Add 7 to both sides to get x by itself. x = 12 Simplify Check: 3(12) – 7 = 2 (12) + 5 36 – 7 = 29 = 29 TRUE

4 Solve: 4a + 3 = 3a + 5 4a + 3 = 3a + 5 -3a -3a Subtract 3a from both sides a + 3 = 5 Simplify Subtract 3 from both sides a = 2 Simplify Check: 4(2) + 3 = 3(2) + 5 8 + 3 = 6 + 5 11 = 11 TRUE

5 Solve the following equation.
6x + 5 = 7x – 3 Answer: x = 8

6 Solve equations with Grouping Symbols
4(2r – 8) = 1/7 (49r + 70) 8r – 32 = 7r + 10 Use Distributive Property -7r -7r Subtract 7r from both sides r – 32 = 10 Simplify Add 32 to both sides r = 42 Simplify Check: 4(2(42) – 8) = 1/7(49(42) + 70) 4(84 – 8) = 1/7( ) 4(76) = 1/7(2128) 304 = TRUE

7 Identity: Equations that are true for all values of the variables.
Solve: 4(t + 20) = 1/5(20t + 400) 4t + 80 = 4t Distribute -4t t Subtract 4t 80 = Simplify Does 80 equal 80?? TRUE and the equation is an IDENTITY. Therefore, the answer is ALL NUMBERS

8 No Solution Equations Solve: 8(5c – 2) = 10(32 + 4c)
40c – 16 = c Distribute -40c c Subtract 40c -16 = Simplify Does -16 equal 320?? FALSE Therefore the answer is NO SOLUTION!!

9 Check Your Progress #4 A purse is on sale for one fourth off the original price, or $12 off. What was the original price of the purse? A. $12 B. $36 C.$48 D. $60 1/4x = 12 x = 48 Answer: C. $48

10 Homework #14 p even, 49-50

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