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Warm-Up: Is it fair for prosthetics to be allowed in competitive able-body events, such as the Olympics? Why or why not?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up: Is it fair for prosthetics to be allowed in competitive able-body events, such as the Olympics? Why or why not?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up: Is it fair for prosthetics to be allowed in competitive able-body events, such as the Olympics? Why or why not?

2 Agenda Today we are going to dive more deeply into this topic.
It is a significant debate in the sports community.

3 Objectives Look at an argument from different perspectives.
Identify claims and support for different arguments within an article.

4 Warm-Up Reflection Look back in your notes, this was a warm-up question on the day we started this unit. Has your answer changed at all?

5 Partner Share Find a partner to share your warm-up with.
Be sure to tell them whether or not your beliefs on this topic have changed.

6 Do prostheses cause a different running style?
Write down any preliminary thoughts on this question in your notebook. Be sure to say more than yes or no, support your stance.

7 Claim-Support-Question
Identify a claim about our topic from a reading article. A claim is an explanation or interpretation of some aspect of what is being examined. Identify support for the claim. What things do you see or know that lend evidence to your claim? Raise a question related to your claim. What may make you doubt the claim? What seems left hanging? What isn’t fully explained? What further ideas or issues does your claim raise?

8 Reflection Was your initial thought on par with what the author of this article wrote?

9 Discussion on Reading Form a group of 3
Take turns sharing your claim, support, and question. Did anyone have the same claim, support, and/or question? Can your questions be easily answered via a Google search? If so and if someone in your group has a device with access to the internet, search for an answer Extra credit will be given to anyone who finds a URL that answers their question(s).

10 Class discussion

11 Sample Questions Share some claim-support-questions.
Are there any trends? Did anyone look up an answer to their question? My Question: Is it a big deal that they have a different running style? Isn’t it safe to say that non-amputees have individual styles of running too?

12 Do prostheses provide an advantage for the lower limb amputee?
Support your answer with at least 1 scientific concept we have discussed this semester.

13 Claim-Support-Question
Identify a claim about our topic from a reading article. A claim is an explanation or interpretation of some aspect of what is being examined. Identify support for the claim. What things do you see or know that lend evidence to your claim? Raise a question related to your claim. What may make you doubt the claim? What seems left hanging? What isn’t fully explained? What further ideas or issues does your claim raise?

14 Discussion on Reading Form a NEW group of 3
Take turns sharing your claim, support, and question. Did anyone have the same claim, support, and/or question? Can your questions be easily answered via a Google search? If so and if someone in your group has a device with access to the internet, search for an answer Extra credit will be given to anyone who finds a URL that answers their question(s).

15 Class discussion

16 Sample Questions Share some claim-support-questions.
Are there any trends? Did anyone look up an answer to their question? My Question: Why haven’t they studied more athletes besides Pistorius?

17 Could we simply employ regulations?
Last time we talked about this question, many suggested we could put regulations on the prosthetics, just like we do with other sporting equipment. Is that the answer? Take a moment to write down you own response to this question. Your response should be 2-3 sentences long.

18 Could we simply employ regulations?
Excerpt from: (Dillow, 2009)

19 Reflection How does the information from this article alter your original thoughts on this topic – is regulation the answer? Take a few minutes to write down your response. Be prepared to share your thoughts.

20 Thought Question: Is it fair to restrict technology of prosthetics in athletic events when that technology is designed to mimic natural human movement? Would we be helping users or preventing users from services that could help them in everyday life? Write 1-2 sentences on your stance.

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