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Know them, use them, love them

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1 Know them, use them, love them
Elements of Design Know them, use them, love them The Abbreviated Version By Mr. Bignell

2 Size Size is the relationship of one form or shape with another around it. Shapes can be proportionate to their surroundings or not. Size can also be illusionary or real

3 Texture Texture: refers to the physical surface of an object which can be implied or real Real Texture: is the actual feeling of a surface Implied Texture is the illusionary feeling of a texture. ie. The bark of a tree can appear rough in a painting or photograph, even though the actual image is smooth.

4 Real or Implied Texture?
Trick Question! Since you’re looking at a powerpoint, all of these images are implied texture!

5 Space Space can refer to the three-dimensionality of a sculpture and architecture, or the sense of depth in a two-dimensional artwork Positive Space is an object or shape itself Negative Space refers to the area surrounding the object or shape.

6 The Illusion of Depth 2D works can create space with an illusion of depth which is achieved by: Position where an object is located (higher objects appear further away) Overlapping objects appear infront of one another Size Variations: images get smaller and recede into the distance Colour & Value: objects decrease in intensity and value as they move back. Herringbone Perspective: Lines zig-zag as they approach a vanishing point Linear Perspective: Mathematically calculating size and proportions based on common vanishing points.

7 YOU’RE FINISHED! Now that you’re all experts with the Elements of Design, I expect that you’ll be using them and be able to talk about them when discussing your own work. (& stay tuned because we’ll be focusing on the Principles of Design throughout this course)

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