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Animal Farm Chapter V.

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1 Animal Farm Chapter V

2 What happened to Mollie?
She left Animal Farm. She wanted attention, ribbons, and sugar cubes. This demonstrates her representing the middle class, going wherever benefits her the most. This is ironic because she is now working harder than she was on Animal Farm.

3 According to Snowball, what improvements will the windmill bring to Animal Farm?
Less work Electricity Heating More Production

4 List at least two ways in which Napoleon shows opposition to Snowball and the windmill project
He gets the sheep to bleat when Snowball is talking. He whispers about how he believes the plan will fail to plant the idea in the other animals’ heads.

5 What does Napoleon do to Snowball’s plans for the windmill?
He urinates on them.

6 What does Napoleon do to get rid of Snowball?
He uses the puppies he took from Jessie and Bluebell to chase him off of the farm. He is now using the dogs as a scare tactic to keep the rest of the animals in submission.

7 The animals are disturbed when Snowball is expelled and Napoleon takes charge. How is their opposition silenced by the dogs and Squealer? The dogs are threatening and scare the animals. Squealer also tricks the uneducated Animals into thinking that Napoleon is right, and also has them scared the Jones will come back if they don’t support Napoleon.

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