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“2BR02B” by Kurt Vonnegut Download the article related to population on the class website. Read the article and write an opinionated.

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Presentation on theme: "“2BR02B” by Kurt Vonnegut Download the article related to population on the class website. Read the article and write an opinionated."— Presentation transcript:

1 “2BR02B” by Kurt Vonnegut Download the article related to population on the class website. Read the article and write an opinionated persuasive response regarding the common ideas between “2BR02B” and “The World at Seven Billion”. Your answer should consist of at least 3 paragraphs, and include properly cited quotes from both the short story and the BBC article.

2 4 - Advanced 3 - Proficient 2 - Basic 1 / 0 - Below Basic Includes 3 or more pieces of evidence (facts, statistics, examples, real-life experiences) that support the position statement. The writer anticipates the reader's concerns, biases or arguments and has provided at least 1 counter-argument. All of the evidence and examples are specific, relevant and explanations are given that show how each piece of evidence supports the author's position. Includes 3 or more pieces of evidence that support the position statement. Most of the evidence and examples are specific, relevant and explanations are given that show how each piece of evidence supports the author's position. Includes 2 pieces of evidence that support the position statement. At least one of the pieces of evidence and examples is relevant and has an explanation that shows how that piece of evidence supports the author's position. Includes 1 or fewer pieces of evidence (facts, statistics, examples, real-life experiences). Evidence and examples are NOT relevant AND/OR are not explained.

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