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New TGSRR Standard for receiver tests Document for discussions

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1 New TGSRR Standard for receiver tests Document for discussions

2 RE-D Whereas in the case of a receiver, it has a level of performance that allows it to operate as intended and protects it against the risk of harmful interference, in particular from shared or adjacent channels, and, in so doing, supports improvements in the efficient use of shared or adjacent channels

3 Receiver New Tests The radar shall be able to detect a specific target in spite of interference occurring Target not specified yet (Distance ?, RCS ?) Interferer not specified yet (Power ? Distance ? Modulation ?) Test set-up not specified yet Interferer operating frequencies : 3 tests are foreseen Co-channel signal -> within the radar operating frequency band In-band signal -> within the regulated frequency band (i.e GHz) but not overlapping the radar operating band (for example 50 MHz apart) Out-of-band signals -> for example 3 GHz apart

4 Assumptions The level of performance for each radar depends on
the type of radars (SRR, MRR, LRR) the expected function The test should be performed with regard to the intended performance E.g.: if a SRR operating as a BSD sensor needs to detects targets at [60m], then the test set-up should not allow to put the target at more than this distance even if the radar is capable of detecting it. Should the interferer be representative to existing systems in term of modulation and power ? Test set-up should be relatively simple and repeatable among different test laboratories.

5 Proposition Target Corner reflector, 10dBsm at 77 GHz
Can represent a car, most relevant target. Interferer CW as modulation is proposed for repeatable tests and simplicity of implementation Power around [23dBm] – mean current radar power

6 Test set-up Example SRR MRR LRR D 40 m 120 m 200 m
Equipement Under Test Target Interferer Example SRR MRR LRR D 40 m 120 m 200 m D Manufacturers would have to declare the maximum intended distance for their operation

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