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Census Communication Thomas Riede

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1 Census Communication Thomas Riede
Head of Press and Public Relations, Publications, Information Management Federal Statistical Office of Germany

2 Outline Census history in Germany Methodology of the Census 2011
Communication of the Census 2011 Discussion Thomas Riede Mai 19

3 1981 1987 . . . 2011 Census history East- Germany West- Germany
Germany hasn`t had a Census in a quarter of a century 1981 1987 . . . 2011 East- Germany West- Germany European Union Thomas Riede Mai 19

4 Census history In West-Germany originally planned for 1980
Delayed to 1983 due to disagreements on financial responsibility between federal and state government 1983 Census was stopped only months before Census day by a Federal Constitutional Court ruling Thomas Riede Mai 19

5 Census history PR material for the 1983 Census had already been produced Thomas Riede Mai 19

6 Census history Several parts of the census law would severely and unjustifiably interfere with basic rights of the individual informational self-determination was created  a personal right granted by the constitution Individuals have the right to determine which of their private data to share and what it can be used for State has to justify invasions such as a Census In statistics: Early anonymization necessary (no geo-coordinates for Census 2011 results) Thomas Riede Mai 19

7 Census history Several socio-political movements coincided during
this time and culminated in an anti-Census protest Fear of a surveillance state aided by computer technology (“1984”) Machine readable government issued ID card NATO dual track decision New social movements Environmentalism / Anti-nuclear movement Peace movement / Squatter movement Feminism Thomas Riede Mai 19

8 Census history Census questionnaires glued on the Berlin Wall in 1987
Thomas Riede Mai 19

9 Methodology 1987 The traditional way Thomas Riede Mai 19

10 Methodology 2011 The use of population registers of every municipality for every inhabitant A household sample (10% of the population) statistically correcting errors in the registers adding information on subjects that the registers do not cover namely education but also employment religious belief (voluntary question) Finally the housing Census will be conducted among every house or dwelling owner (est million) Thomas Riede Mai 19

11 Census communication Organisation of the press and public relations work for the Census Project group on “press and public relations work for the Census” Federal Statistical Office 14 statistical offices of the Länder Supervisory authorities of the statistical offices of the Länder The Federal Ministry of the Interior Thomas Riede Mai 19

12 Census communication Why a new communication strategy for the
Major importance for official statistics in general Much more external effect than any other statistics Many mouths – but one voice in the public: Different institutions are involved Specific German experience made with the population Census in the 1980s Thomas Riede Mai 19

13 Census communication Communication Strategy for the Census 2011
Strategy  answer to the question of HOW the census should be communicated Strategy’s central idea: “dialogue campaign”  communication on equal footing with the entire population and with specific groups Thomas Riede Mai 19

14 Census communication Core elements of the communication strategy for the Census 2011 Do not communicate the census as a government action Primarily communicate it as a specific statistical issue Purpose of the census is explained in a comprehensible way Thomas Riede Mai 19

15 Census communication Five central maxims of the communication
Tactical intelligence in all political and communicative decisions! Serious tonality for all communication measures! Communication on equal footing in each target group! Innovative ways of addressing the target groups! No relevant information is denied to the public Use and securing of positive image of “official” statistics as a serious, credible and trustworthy information provider Transparent dialogue at any time! Talk to each target group on the basis of the legal requirements and to take seriously their needs and proposals It must be checked when, and how, which target group should be addressed by which actor Innovative character to attract attention for the subject-related topic Thomas Riede Mai 19

16 Census communication Three phases of the communication
Positivisation/ information Activation/ co-operation Attention/ awareness Thomas Riede Mai 19

17 Census communication 1. Communication strategy
(Optional) implementation of measures 1. Communication strategy 2. Communication concept for the specialised actors Logo and corporate design 3. Communication concept for the political actors Thomas Riede Mai 19

18 Census communication Corporate Design
KNOWING WHAT WILL COUNT TOMORROW (claim of the German 2011 census campaign) Thomas Riede Mai 19

19 Census communication Thomas Riede Mai 19

20 Census communication Planned measures Press conferences
Flyer and booklets Advertisements Posters TV and radio advertising Online Ad`s Thomas Riede Mai 19

21 Census communication Thomas Riede Mai 19

22 Census communication Thomas Riede Mai 19

23 Census communication Workshop for journalists
In August 2010 in the most important media cities Hamburg Leipzig Frankfurt Köln München Berlin Thomas Riede Mai 19

24 Discussion Federal Statistical Office of Germany
Gustav-Stresemann-Ring 11 65189 Wiesbaden Germany Thomas Riede Thomas Riede Mai 19

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