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Residential Schools The Beginning.

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1 Residential Schools The Beginning

2 Terms Assimilation: The adaptation to the cultural traits of the dominant culture. Usually occurring through colonization, where the colonized or minority group’s beliefs become the same as the dominant group’s.

3 Timeline 1600s-1850s: Missionaries set up day schools for First Nations and Labrador Inuit children. : Education becomes a priority in the numbered treaties The government becomes responsible for First Nations education The government funds existing missionary schools

4 1879: The Davin Report supports establishing residential schools to increase assimilation
1880s-1970s: Residential schools grow, reaching a peak in the 1930s 1951: The government changes the Indian Act 1960s: Government begins to close residential schools

5 1969: Government issues the White Paper
1970: The Indian Chiefs of Alberta issue the Red Paper 1970: Protest at Blue Quills residential school results in first Nation-run school

6 1973-present: First Nations-run schools grow in Canada
1996: Last government-funded residential school closed 1990s: First Nations and Inuit people take action against abuse suffered in residential schools 1996: Royal Commission of Aboriginal Peoples (RCAP) supports First Nations rights

7 2000: 7000 cases of abuse in residential schools are brought to court
2008: Public apology from Stephen Harper

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