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Presentation on theme: "Digestion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digestion

2 * Renal pyramid Fibrous capsule Renal column Renal lobe
1. Renal pyramid Fibrous capsule Renal column Renal lobe None of the above *

3 * Efferent Artery Afferent Artery Pedicel Fenestrated Capillary
2 Efferent Artery Afferent Artery Pedicel Fenestrated Capillary None of the above *

4 * * a.Parotid gland B. salivary gland c. Vestibule d. Frenulum
3 a.Parotid gland B. salivary gland c. Vestibule d. Frenulum e. None of the above * *

5 4 Liver Stomach Ascending colon Transverse colon None of the above *

6 5 Hard Palate Soft Palate Epiglottis Uvula None of the Above *

7 6 * Trigone Rugue Lesser curve Pylorus None of the above

8 * Liver Gall Bladder Small intestine Large Intestine None of the above
7 Liver Gall Bladder Small intestine Large Intestine None of the above *

9 * * Common bile duct Cystic duct Hepatic duct Bile duct
8 Common bile duct Cystic duct Hepatic duct Bile duct None of the above * *

10 9 Rugae Small Intestine Haustra Appendix None of the above *

11 * Rectum Anal canal Large intestine Internal sphincter
10 * Rectum Anal canal Large intestine Internal sphincter None of the above

12 11 Straight A. Segmental A. Renal Artery Kidney None of the above *

13 12 Rectum ureter Large intestine urethrea None of the above *

14 13 Kidney Large intestine Bladder Small Intestine None of the above *

15 * Renal pyramid Renal capsule Renal column Renal lobe
14 Renal pyramid Renal capsule Renal column Renal lobe None of the above *

16 15 Urethra Ureters Renal Artery Kidney None of the above *

17 16 DCT PCT Descending loop Peritubular None of the above *

18 * a.lingual frenulum b. hard palate c. palate d. Vestibule
17 a.lingual frenulum b. hard palate c. palate d. Vestibule e. None of the above *

19 * b. glomerulus c. efferent arteriole d. Bowman's capsule
18 a. afferent arteriole b. glomerulus c. efferent arteriole d. Bowman's capsule e. None of the above *

20 19 Stomach Spleen Pancreas Liver None of the above *

21 * segmental, interlobar, arcuate, cortical radiate None of the above
20 segmental, interlobar, arcuate, cortical radiate None of the above *

22 * a. cecum, b. appendix c. ascending, d. Transverse colon
21 a. cecum, b. appendix c. ascending, d. Transverse colon e. None of the above *

23 22 a.fundus b. Rugae c. Pylorus d. Parietal E None of the above *

24 23 * a.fundus b. Rugae c. Pylorus d. Cardia E None of the above

25 * a. glomerulus b. peritubular capillaries c. vasa recta,
24 a. glomerulus b. peritubular capillaries c. vasa recta, d. Bowman's capsule e. None of the above *

26 * a. cystic, b. common hepatic, c. common bile d. hepatic duct
25 a. cystic, b. common hepatic, c. common bile d. hepatic duct e. None of the above *

27 end

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