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Intelligence pp. 381-383.

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Presentation on theme: "Intelligence pp. 381-383."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intelligence pp

2 Opener: Would you vote for a female presidential candidate?
Why or why not?

3 Group Discussion or Philosophical Chairs
Imagine you are a parent. Would you ever buy your daughter a truck or a football? Would you ever buy your son a doll or a toy kitchen set? Why or why not? Do you find that girls are drawn more to babysitting jobs than boys are? If so, how do you account for this? Are girls encouraged to be more nurturing, or is this natural? Though gender roles have leveled out, it seems that males, for the most part, are primarily responsible for asking female out for a first date. If you disagree that this is true, explain.

4 Experiment Testing Verbal Skill Superiority
Gentlemen outside, ladies stay here (or vice versa). You have two minutes to come up with as many synonyms as possible for the following words.

5 Synonyms for: Hot Weak Tired Win

6 Battle of the Sexes: Special and Verbal Skills
Just to continue the friendly competition, There are two sides to the next test Turn your paper to the “Spatial Skills” side You have three minutes to complete this side DO NOT TURN THE PAPER OVER UNTIL INSTRUCTED TO DO SO

7 Turn the paper over You have three minutes to complete the, “Verbal Skills” side of the test.

8 Answers

9 Exit Stamp Worksheets!!! I need two volunteers to pass out worksheets
I know you love worksheets… So we will fill some out now. The worksheet is called, “Gender Differences – Re-teaching Worksheet” You may use your mind or your books ( to complete the FIRST FOUR boxes.


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