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Starter Once given a number, spend a few minutes thinking how you would describe this from your characters viewpoint. 1= tour company rep; 2= water sports.

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Presentation on theme: "Starter Once given a number, spend a few minutes thinking how you would describe this from your characters viewpoint. 1= tour company rep; 2= water sports."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter Once given a number, spend a few minutes thinking how you would describe this from your characters viewpoint. 1= tour company rep; 2= water sports enthusiast; 3= an artist; 4= film company rep; 5= a wildlife lover; 6= a poet; 7= an ice cream company rep; 8= holiday maker; 9= photographer; 10= yourself.

2 Peer Mark Key advice Fill out sheet – read feedback/example essay

3 General Observations 1 – Introduction paragraph need to be direct but also need to give some outline or refer to the question. Giving a quote still works. 2 – Wider reading improving, it is selection of appropriate material and giving personal insight into how they are relevant. 3 – Showing clear understanding of foundations but too many spent too long saying what virtue ethics is. 4 – Lack of explanation of historical context (enlightenment/feminism etc) how VE developed.

4 General Observations 5 – Not enough on modern scholars eg Anscombe, Slote, Gilligan. 6 – Writing style needs to have a direct structure and consistent line of thought rather than agree/disagree agree/disagree conclusion. 7 – Scholars used but in correct way 8 – Key terms used correctly and often eg Humean

5 Q and A Free will – spec, front sheet, checklist
“There was once a man who said damn, it is born in upon me I am, I am an engine the moves, in predestinate grooves, I am not even a bus I’m a tram.” Explanations…Your poetic viewpoint on free will

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