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Watergate What is it?.

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Presentation on theme: "Watergate What is it?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Watergate What is it?

2 Is it a Flood?

3 Is it a Hotel?

4 Or is it Political Scandal?

5 "Watergate" is now an all-encompassing term used to refer to:
Political burglary Phone tapping Conspiracy Obstruction of justice Destruction of evidence Illegal use of government agencies Abuse of power.

6 Spygate

7 Monicagate

8 Watergate is a A burglary and subsequent cover-up that eventually led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon. Nixon resigned the presidency on 8 August 1974.

9 Watergate Timeline June-72 Break in Nov-72 Nixon reelected
Jan-73 Burglars found guilty Mar-73 Senate investigates May-73 John Dean testifies July-73 Tapes revealed Oct-73 Saturday Night massacre Nov-73 I am not a crook July-74 Supreme Court rules July-74 House votes to impeach Aug-74 Nixon resigns

10 Key issues Executive Privilege
Checks and Balances are built in to the U S Constitution

11 The Legacy

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