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February 28, 2018 Objectives: Evaluate peer expository writing according to AP expectations. Catalyst: Make sure Poetry 3.3 is in turnitin Pick up a half-sheet.

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Presentation on theme: "February 28, 2018 Objectives: Evaluate peer expository writing according to AP expectations. Catalyst: Make sure Poetry 3.3 is in turnitin Pick up a half-sheet."— Presentation transcript:

1 February 28, 2018 Objectives: Evaluate peer expository writing according to AP expectations. Catalyst: Make sure Poetry 3.3 is in turnitin Pick up a half-sheet for peer-editing Homework & Reminders: Perrine’s: Figurative Language 1 & 2 Portrait final 3.7/3.8 Heart of Darkness for next class Sign up for my KT on my website

2 Portrait peer-editing
Look at the College Board rubric from last peer-editing First, note your original (my) score While the prompt may be different from the old CB rubric, the language stays the same Put aside your ego. My scores are NEVER personal but are an accurate measurement of the composition quality at that moment. 100% of my thought is always about making you a better, more effective writer. Why did you earn the score you earned, based on the language of the CB rubric? Jot your response in your composition book.

3 Portrait peer-editing
Second, what score do you hope for after revisions, realistically? Look at what College Board says about that score. Jot down your response in your composition book Peer-editing will focus on helping you get to whatever that score asks of you. This is the only class for peer-editing. Make it meaningful.

4 Portrait peer-editing
Oral Read: The Abridged Version Writer distributes draft to peers, without apology. Tell your peers what your score was and why you think you earned that score, based on the language of the College Board Scoring Guidelines. Explain where you want to achieve through the revision process. Read your essay aloud without break. Evaluators take notes, especially on content, clarity, and conciseness. When the writer finishes, all members should gather thoughts and/or take additional notes. Make sure the writer has no glaring (or any, for that matter) plot-specific mistakes. Do the topic sentences offer a glimpse into what that paragraph discusses? The paper should be rich in specific examples and specific quotes from the literary piece.   The effective paper is organized, usually evolving in the sequence of the literary piece with ideas progressing from simple to complex within each paragraph or through the paper altogether. All parts of the prompt should be addressed and expounded upon. Quickly discuss what about the content seems to work and then transition to insight regarding the strategies the writer should take to improve the paper, keeping in mind the individual writer’s goals.   Portrait peer-editing Composition Critique Procedures: The Abridged Version Each evaluator will now choose a specific area for composition critique.  All of the following initiatives should be completed in the margins of the essay. For groups of three, combine A and B. Verbs Clauses/Commas Analysis vs. textual references **Whatever you say to the writer must also be on the draft. FINAL DRAFT DUE 3.7/3.8

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