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BEER – General Update Nuclear Physics Institute CAS Přemysl Beran

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Presentation on theme: "BEER – General Update Nuclear Physics Institute CAS Přemysl Beran"— Presentation transcript:

1 BEER – General Update Nuclear Physics Institute CAS Přemysl Beran
Czech Republic Přemysl Beran Jan Šaroun Petr Lukáš Petr Šittner Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Germany Jochen Fenske Gregor Nowak Dirk Jan Siemers Rüdiger Kiehn John Hedde Peter Staron Martin Müller ESS coordinator Robin Woracek

2 – Last STAP meeting – Scope setting meeting – TG2

3 Scope Setting meeting + TG2
Budget: ~ Mio € TG2 approval Approved for first 8 instrument 0 m 158 m


5 In bunker Changes: Bi-spectral switch position has moved outside of monolith behind the ligth shutter Directline of sight blocked within bunker

6 In bunker Changes: Bi-spectral switch position has moved outside of monolith behind the ligth shutter Directline of sight blocked within bunker Number of PSC reduced + 1 movable PSC

7 In bunker Changes: Bi-spectral switch position has moved outside of monolith behind the ligth shutter Directline of sight blocked within bunker Number of PSC reduced + 1 movable PSC Current Activities: NBOA Design freezed Waiting for tender documents

8 In bunker Changes: Bi-spectral switch position has moved outside of monolith behind the ligth shutter Directline of sight blocked within bunker Number of PSC reduced + 1 movable PSC Current Activities: NBOA Design freezed Waiting for tender documents Bunker wall throughput design

9 In bunker Changes: Bi-spectral switch position has moved outside of monolith behind the ligth shutter Directline of sight blocked within bunker Number of PSC reduced + 1 movable PSC Current Activities: NBOA Design freezed Waiting for tender documents Bunker wall throughput design Shielding calculations Specification of Chopper parameters for tender Remote handling

10 Out of bunker Changes: ~80 m

11 Out of bunker d-spacing: Changes: PSC @ ~80 m detector
pole figure coverage:

12 More details later Out of bunker Changes: PSC @ ~80 m detector
Experimental cave + control hutch More details later

13 Out of bunker Changes: PSC @ ~80 m detector
Experimental cave + control hutch Current Activities: Shielding calculation Specification of Chopper parameters for tender Tender for neutron guide design Finalizing design of experimental cave + control hutch Design of cable traces + connection points, … Test of different detector solutions

14 More details later Sample Environment Hexapod: six axis robot:
payload 2 t x, y: ±110 mm z: ±150 mm payload 14 kg repeatability: ±0.06 mm More details later deformation rig: Dilatometer: furnace 1200 °C max. load 60 kN induction heating: - max. heating rate 4000 K/s - max. cooling rate 2500 K/s (hollow samples) DSC unit deformation units (compr., tension; 25 kN)

15 Performance @ 2 MW High versatility in resolution
Tuneable wavelength range Comparable to world leading engineering diffractometers in pulse shaping mode World leading for high symmetric materials in modulation mode

16 Scientific requirements
I. In-situ & in-operando experiments Purpose • multi-phase structural characterization • study of complex materials e.g. composites • study of fast processes with time resolution bellow 1sec in special case enablen measurement at 14 Hz • in-situ experiments with dedicated sample environment • multi-scale characterization • SE driven experiments Requirement • Δ d/d resolution down to 0.1% • d-range from 0.6 to 6 Å • high flux of ESS pulse • space and capacity for SE • imaging option • active feedback and advance instrument control • sample environment II. Strain scanning Purpose • strain mapping from larger volumes • scanning of big and complex samples • fast mapping • strain visualization • automatic sample handling Requirement • high flux using multiplexing • space for voluminous samples • measurement of two components at once • Bragg edge imaging • Advanced positioning system

17 Scientific requirements
III. Texture and texture evolution Purpose • in-situ texture evolution • fast texture with less sample rotation • full texture measurement Requirement • advanced detector coverage • advanced positioning system • sample environment IV. Long-term experiments Purpose • characterization of slow engineering processes Requirement • laboratory for ex-situ experiments • free access to the laboratory • sample environment

18 First access to NSS areas
Timeline West sector North sector East and South sectors Current date First access to NSS areas Start User Program Beam on Target Hot Commission instruments

19 2019 - 2020: Manufacturing & Procurement
Timeline : Detailed Design : Manufacturing & Procurement : Installation & Integration 2022: Cold Commissioning : Hot Commossioning & early science 2023: User Operation

20 Access Dates for NSS IK partners
2 E01 – Full Access 27-May-19 (incl. Crane) 1a 1b E02 Area 1 – Partial Access 27-May-19 E02 Area 2 – Partial Access 15-Nov-19 D03 Main Hall – Partial Access 01-Dec-19 (incl. Cranes) 3 D01 Area 1 Main Hall – Partial Access 06-Feb-20 (incl. Cranes) 4 D01 Area 2 Main Hall – Partial Access 02-April-20 (incl. Crane) 5 E04 E01 1a E03 1b E02 D05 Exact Location of Final De-Lineation Point TBC 2 D04 3 D03 D02 D06 D08 5 D01 4 Based on NSS –MS V3.4 (15 September 2017) D07

21 Status of Contracts & Funding
NPI: HZG: In kind agreement signed Frame work contract (in kind agreement) & Technical annex pending Technical annex pending No funding available Funding available People in place Secured until 2019 2019 onward to be negotiated Contract with NUVIA signed Tender for neutron guides in preparation People in place

22 Thank you for your attention!

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