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First Light! Welcome To We Meet Every Wednesday at 6:30 AM.

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Presentation on theme: "First Light! Welcome To We Meet Every Wednesday at 6:30 AM."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Light! Welcome To We Meet Every Wednesday at 6:30 AM.
Join Us Afterward, Upstairs in the Café.

Laptops are needed for many of our global partner organizations. Donate a new/used working laptop to Lazarus Computer Ministry. All laptops will be wiped as part of the refurbishment process. If you have a working laptop you would like to donate, please contact us to schedule a drop off date and time. INFO:

3 Teammates / First Light DR Vision Trip
Date: June 6-9, 2019 Cost: $1,150.00 You must register at: Or!! If you are not able to go, you can help support others at the link below.

4 Speaker Schedule: Mar 27 – Jorge Pina Apr 3 – Nyke Gatlin
Apr 10 – Jim Battle

5 Today’s Speaker: dave brown Director of WACMM




9 Identity Politics categorizes or divides human beings for “political” advantage into tribal groups, according to race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, and social-economic-cultural class. A person’s identity (value, worth) is found in his tribal membership, not in his personhood. Those deemed to have victim status are granted special rights and privileges. e pluribus unum “Out of many, one” - United States is one country (unity) made up of many states (diversity); one country with many citizens YET with an overriding structure/creed of shared values and beliefs that unites us. Both unity and diversity are at the heart of the American experiment – other examples the Triune God of the bible and his church

10 Exodus 20:3 “You shall have no other gods before me.”
►We never break one of the other Ten Commandments unless we are also breaking the first commandment (Ex 20:3). Idol Factory “The human heart is a factory of idols. Every one of us is, from his mother’s womb, expert in inventing idols.” - John Calvin Idolatry takes a good thing and makes it a god thing and then it becomes a bad thing.    Idolatry is the fundamental root of our sins and problems.

Galatians 2:20 “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Galatians 3:28-29 “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus…”

12 Expulsive Power of a New Affection “We only cease to be the slave of one appetite because another taste has brought it into subordination. A youth may cease to idolize sensual pleasure, but it’s only because the idol of material gain has gotten the ascendancy. There is not one personal transformation in which the heart is left without an object of ultimate beauty and joy. Its desire for one particular object may be conquered, but its desire to have some object is unconquerable. The only way to dispossess the heart of an old affection[idol] is by the expulsive power of a new one.” - Thomas Chalmers ( )


What struck you or grabbed your attention from Dave’s talk? How do you see identity politics being played out today? What have been its consequences? How is it influencing churches and how should they respond to it? Examples: abortion, infanticide, genderism What idols do you think are particularly prevalent among men? What idols do you personally struggle most with? How have you tried to identify your idols and dispense with them? How did it go? If not, how would you deal with them beginning today?

15 NATE REED QUESTIONS How many days were you able to spend in the Bible this past week? What verse did you memorize this week? Did you share your faith with anyone this week?

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