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Social Science DBH 3 2015-2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Science DBH 3 2015-2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Science DBH 3

2 Geography?

3 Geography?

4 Geography?

5 Geography?

6 What is this? You already know that you are going to study “geography”. But what is the meaning of “SSLIC”, the real name of the subject?

7 “SSLIC “ stands for… S: Social S: Science L: Language I: Integrated
C: Curriculum

8 Sequence of “Gizarte” in DBH
School year Geography DBH 1 Klimak, biomak, paisaiak. DBH 2 Geografia ekonomikoa eta politikoa. DBH 3 Current conflicts.

9 School material Two textbooks: Mankind shapes the earth. One world?

10 Mankind shapes the earth
From September till December/January. Learning path. Focus on: economical sectors (agriculture, fishing, industry, services).

11 One world? From January to June. Learning path.
Focus on: what is happening in the world right now? Both units are completely different.

12 Marking criteria 1st evaluation
Tests ¿?% Homework Group work Individual work Class interventions, use of English, behaviour


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