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Find your new seat. Get Daily Grammar and complete Day 26 (?)

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Presentation on theme: "Find your new seat. Get Daily Grammar and complete Day 26 (?)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Find your new seat. Get Daily Grammar and complete Day 26 (?)

2 TN Standard:   Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective techniques, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.  

3 Narrative Narratives are stories; the series of events are told by a narrator in either first or third person Narrative writers always “show” instead of “tell” by using figurative language.

4 5 Major Components 1)Sensory details 2) Vivid verbs
Detailed description of sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and touch 2) Vivid verbs 3) Figures of Speech/figurative language Simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, understatement

5 4) Dialogue Dialogue is always meaningful 5) Theme The story itself may seem simple, but there is always a purpose of telling the story.

6 Divergent clip 3 sentences about the video each has 2 descriptive elements.

7 Your turn! Create 5-7 sentences telling about something school appropriate. Use 1. only vivid verbs 2. no 1st/2nd person 3. 2 sensory details 4. 3 words of dialogue 5. put your name on the bottom corner and fold the corner up to cover you name. 6. Turn in before you leave!

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