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Fashion and Styles Grade 10 English Class.

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Presentation on theme: "Fashion and Styles Grade 10 English Class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fashion and Styles Grade 10 English Class

2 Shirt Pants Hat Sweatshirt Jacket/Coat Glasses Shoes Socks Dress Skirt Tie Belt Scarf Gloves Boots Shorts Heels

3 What clothes is he wearing?
What colors is he wearing?

4 What is she wearing? What colors is she wearing?

5 What is she wearing? What colors is she wearing?

6 Questions about fashion
1. What do you wear when it is hot outside? _______________________ 2. What do you wear when it is cold outside? ______________________ 3. What do you wear on your feet? ______________________________ 4. What do you wear on your hands? _____________________________ 5. What do you wear on your neck? ______________________________ 6. Which clothes are casual? _____________________________________ 7. Which clothes are formal? ____________________________________

7 Who in the class…… Has more than five pairs of shoes ____________________. Wears shorts frequently ____________________. Wears glasses _____________________. Prefers to wear boots instead of shoes _____________________. Likes colorful clothes __________________. Buys clothes frequently __________________. Collects hats ________________________. Has an expensive coat ___________________. Wears bandanas ____________________. Wears heels _______________________. Uses scarves in cold weather ________________________.

8 Materials of clothing Cotton Silk Leather Wool

9 Clothing brand design activity
1. Draw a picture of your clothing articles. 2. Label them. 3. Say what color they are. 4. Say what they are made of. 5. Create a name for your brand.

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