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Point, Proof, Explanation, Link Paragraphs

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Presentation on theme: "Point, Proof, Explanation, Link Paragraphs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Point, Proof, Explanation, Link Paragraphs

2 Topic Sentence Title of work (story, novel, play) Author of work
Overall argument Three points Example: In the novel Speak, by Laurie Halse Anderson, Melinda is a complex character because she is lonely, self-conscious, yet creative.

3 Point Present your points in the same order as they appear in your topic sentence Include a transition word Example: First, Melinda is a lonely character.

4 Proof Include a specific example from the work as proof
This can be paraphrased or a direct quotation ALWAYS include a citation (page number)

5 Context Give CONTEXT for the quotation: Who? What? Where? When? Why?
What is happening at the time? Which of the above 5Ws are important to include? 15-3-8

6 Example of Proof with Context
When Melinda enters the auditorium on her first day of school, she says, “I stand in the center aisle of the auditorium, a wounded zebra in a National Geographic special, looking for someone, anyone, to sit next to” (p.5). 15-3-8

7 Explanation HOW or WHY is the quotation important to the point you are making? How does the quotation prove the point you are making? What do I need to explain about the quotation before commenting on its significance to my point?

8 Example of Explanation
Melinda describes herself as one who no one wants to socialize with. 15-3-8

9 Link You must link your explanation to your point and overall argument/idea Perhaps restate a word or words from your original point Example: Because Melinda is looking for friends to sit with, she is a lonely character. 15-3-8

10 Now add two more points, proofs, explanations and links
This is all ONE paragraph (it might seem long) Remember formal writing rules

11 Concluding Sentence Title and author
Overall argument and three points stated in a fresh, new way Example: In conclusion, the character Melinda, in Laurie Halse Anderson’s novel Speak, is complicated because she is lonely and self- conscious, yet also creative.

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