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Unit 8, C.29 Section 2 Notes Physical Geography

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1 Unit 8, C.29 Section 2 Notes Physical Geography
Vocab Roundup for section 2 Insular: island countries Endemic: native species of plants that are extinct due to urbanization Deciduous trees: look in your back yard! -lose their leaves every year

2 C. 29 Tropical Climate Regions
-Trop. Rain Forest: Most of SE Asia has this 79 Degrees/constant temp, Humid, ” of rain per year! WOW!! -Rainforests in Malaysia contain 14,500 species of flowering plants - Shan Plateau: nicknamed trop. Scotland/Myanmar -Singapore: city has trop. R. F. in their boundaries!

3 C. 29 Humid Subtropical Myanmar, Vietnam, part of Laos, Thailand
Part of year is humid sub., cool dry season Nov. to about April

4 C. 29 Misc. Climates Tropical Savanna: Islands Indonesia, alternating wet/dry seasons, dry seas. 4-8 mo. Highlands: coolest climate in the region, plant life includes (flora): rhododendrons, evergreens (con), and deciduous trees



7 Singapore Skyline





12 http://images. google. com/imgres. imgurl=http://www. tsunamis

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