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Presentation on theme: "HOW DID RECONSTRUCTION COME TO AN END?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Sharecroppers Contract

3 Sharecropper’s Contract
Where and When is this written? What are the terms? Is it fair? How might this cause a cycle of debt?

4 Reconstruction Review
Reconstruction lasted from Andrew Johnson (a southerner) became president after Lincoln is assassinated Many in Congress opposed Johnson- They were called Radical Republicans. Radicals wanted to see extreme changes in Society

5 Freedmen’s Bureau (1865) Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands. Many former northern abolitionists risked their lives to help southern freedmen. Called “carpetbaggers” by white southern Democrats.

6 Plenty to eat and nothing to do.
Freedmen’s Bureau Seen Through Southern Eyes Plenty to eat and nothing to do.

7 Freedmen’s Bureau School

8 Black Codes Purpose: African Americans of rights of social, political, and economic freedom (1866)

9 Johnson’s Senate Trial
11 week trial. Johnson acquitted 35 to 19 (one short of required 2/3s vote).

10 Radical Reconstruction 1867
Restart Reconstruction in the 10 Southern states that refused to ratify the 14th Amendment. Divide the 10 “unreconstructed states” into 5 military districts.

11 New Amendments 13th Amendment Bans Slavery 14th Amendment
Grants Citizenship/Equal Protection 15th Amendment Right to Vote

12 Sharecropping

13 Black & White Political Participation

14 The Balance of Power in Congress
State White Citizens Freedmen SC 291,000 411,000 MS 353,000 436,000 LA 357,000 350,000 GA 591,000 465,000 AL 596,000 437,000 VA 719,000 533,000 NC 631,000 331,000

15 KKK

16 A Resolution to End Federal Occupation of Reconstructed Southern States
1 WHEREAS, reunification of these United States has been accomplished by all 2 previous governments in rebellion, through successful fulfillment of all requirements 3 of the Reconstruction Acts of 1867 and 1868; 4 WHEREAS, all readmitted States have in good faith implement policies and 5 regulations in accordance with the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments; and 6 WHEREAS, Constitution delineates division of power between federal and state 7 Governments; therefore be it 8 RESOLVED, the federal government should relinquish military control of readmitted 9 States, formerly in rebellion.

17 Should Reconstruction End?
It is 1875, you have been presented with a Resolution to End Reconstruction. How will you vote? Yay or Nay?

18 Reconstruction Ends Northerners grow tired of Reconstruction
Panic of 1873 [6-year depression]. Concern over westward expansion and Indian wars. Election of 1876

19 1876 Presidential Tickets

20 1876 Presidential Election

21 The Political Crisis of 1877
No Clear Winner “Corrupt Bargain”?

22 A Political Crisis: The “Compromise” of 1877
Election commission decides disputed election returns Hayes would become president and in return, he would end Reconstruction in the south, no more military rule

23 Post Reconstruction South
With Reconstruction over, southern democrats began removing radical Republican governments and rewriting laws in order to disenfranchise freedmen

24 The Rise of Jim Crow Governments in the south try to maintain “pre war” societal norms through segregating (separating) the races. Directed primarily at African Americans but other groups experience discrimination as well (American Indians- 1924) Is this legal under the 14th Amendment?

25 Supreme Court Case- upholding segregation= Separate but Equal
The Rise of Jim Crow Plessey v. Ferguson 1896 Supreme Court Case- upholding segregation= Separate but Equal

26 Discrimination Housing Education Society Job Opportunities Government
Literacy Tests Poll Taxes Grandfather Clauses



29 Historians Contextualize
When reconstruction ended, Africans Americans gradually began losing their civil rights and political power in the south. Southern states began to pass laws that required segregation. Booker T. Washington and W.E.B Du Bois had differing viewpoints on how best to respond to discrimination.

30 Closure “The Slave went free, stood a brief moment in the sun, and retreated back into slavery.” WEB DuBois What does this quote reveal regarding the experiences of African Americans during Reconstruction? Was Reconstruction a Success or a Failure?



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