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Molecules and Ions LecturePLUS Timberlake.

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1 Molecules and Ions LecturePLUS Timberlake

2 The Periodic Table Horizontal rows are referred to as periods
Vertical columns are referred to as groups or families Special names on periodic table Group 1: alkali metals Group 2: alkaline earth metals Group 17: halogens Group 18: noble gases LecturePLUS Timberlake

3 Molecule Molecule – an aggregate of at least two atoms in a definite arrangement held together by chemical bonds In a fixed ratio! May include the same element or different Compounds only have different elements LecturePLUS Timberlake

4 Diatomic Molecules Remember the lucky seven?
These seven ALWAYS are diatomic in nature Memorize these H2, N2, O2, F2, Cl2, Br2, I2 LecturePLUS Timberlake

5 Ions Ion – has either GAINED or LOST electrons
Anion – negatively charge (gained electrons), ex: Cl- Cation – positively charged (lost electrons), ex: Na+ Anion usually on the right, cations on the left Must memorize these! LecturePLUS Timberlake

6 Empirical vs. Molecular Formula
Empirical - Tells us which elements are present in the lowest-whole number ratio, NOT necessary how many atoms are present Molecular – shows the EXACT composition of elements Ex: hydrogen peroxide, used to kill bacteria, has the molecular formula of H2O2, there are 2 H and 2 O, however, the empirical formula is HO Empirical – simplest, molecular - true

7 Empirical Formula When analyzing an unknown compound, first step is to find the empirical formula LecturePLUS Timberlake

8 Ex: Write empirical formulas for the following molecules
(a) C2H2 CH (b) C6H12O6 CH2O (c) N2O Empirical formula is the same as the molecular formula LecturePLUS Timberlake

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