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DBQ Essay CP US History.

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1 DBQ Essay CP US History

2 Purpose The purpose of the DBQ essay is to show how well you can analyze documents. You can do well on the DBQ essay even with little knowledge of the subject.

3 Step 1: READ the question
Annotate!!!! Be sure you are doing what the question is asking. Using the documents, analyze Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois’ attitudes toward education.

4 Step 2: Group the documents
Based on the question, come up with a minimum of 3 groups. A group must have at least 2 documents. Try not to re-use documents.

5 Step 3: Use ALL the documents
You must use & show that you understand all documents. You may misinterpret one document & still get credit. DO NOT QUOTE!!! This shows you can copy the document, but doesn’t show you understand it.

6 Step 4: Write a Thesis Q: Analyze the various steps taken by southern African Americans to achieve equality. Th: Even though African Americans had difficulty achieving the right to vote, they were successful in achieving equality through educational opportunities and use of public spaces. You need to answer the question without just re-writing it. Include: time, place & groups. Try not to begin with words like: the, a, etc. Instead, use: although, despite, even though, etc. Use the format we went over in class.

7 Step 5: Evidence You need to provide evidence for all but 1 document.
Evidence needs to tie your understanding of the document to the original question. Give an example of how your document helps explain the prompt.

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